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Posts tagged ‘slotting fees’


The Case of the WBENC Certificate

After our visit to the local grocery stores, the president, the equity guy and I headed back to the plant.  The three of us headed into the president’s office and sat down around a little round table. They mentioned that they wished to discuss the next steps in our relationship. Then they laid it on me.  The private equity group wanted to form a new Read moreRead more

Fantasy Island

Welcome to Fantasy Island!

Me and my Shadow, were scheduled to meet up with  Eric, the company’s northeast regional sales manager; a truly kind, smart, hardworking guy from Boston for some planning and several retail grocery appointments.  The day before our retail meetings, my shadow thought it would be a good use of time for us to sit in the lobby of the hotel to work on sales projections for the new pizza  instead of  the  prudent practice of conducting store checks. Store checks are the practice of visiting as many stores in a retail chain as possible to familiarize yourself with the product mix, merchandising and other specifics of the retailer that you are going to call on the next day. In other words, be prepared to have an intelligent conversation with the retailer.

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