Me and My Shadow
The reference to the song Me and My Shadow series requires a bit of an explanation. You see, shortly after I sold my soul, I mean my brand to a manufacturing company owned by a private equity group, I got stuck with one of the egomaniacal, obtuse, ill-informed, unintelligent, drone partners of the equity group. In full disclosure, I should tell you that I didn’t care for the guy, but I suspect you have already picked up on that. When I say stuck, I mean being buried waste deep in cement would have been preferable to having to travel each and every week with this cro-mangon. Perhaps even being up to my eyeballs in quicksand would have been preferable to the prolonged and miserable time that I spent with the imbecile, but I digress. I do that a lot, I know I do, and I am really ok with that.